Ondie Woods Mens fitness class Leigh on Sea


Fitness Training

Fitness Classes

Personal Training

TNT – Kids fitness training

Beat it – breast cancer rehab




Associated Links


Ondie's dance history


Ondie Woods

Ondie Woods
(click image above)

The classes are not about posing, having all the gear and no idea. They are about quality of teaching.

Ondie Woods Genki-Jutsu Leigh on Sea

Saturday mornings

Ondie Woods T.N.T Childrens fitness training Leigh on Sea

T.N.T Childrens fitness training
Tuesday evenings

Ondie Woods T.N.T Childrens fitness training Leigh on Sea

Genki-Jutsu karate

Fitness Training in Leigh-on-Sea, Essex

Ondie established OWTF in 1990. Royal Ballet and martial arts trained she believes her vast knowledge and experience makes
OWTF different from the rest!

Ondie has been teaching for 25 years and training for over 42. She believes its her quality of teaching and customer care that has led to her longevity in the fitness industry.

She is a qualified G.P. Referral Instructor and LeveL 4 Cancer Rehab Exercise Specialist which she finds incredibly rewarding.

Ondie teaches a huge variety of fitness classes:

The list goes on!

She is also a Personal Trainer, (YMCA Qualified) and has a Karate and Fitness school 'Genki-Jutsu' for children from 6+ years with her associates Michelle and Graham Kemp (2nd dan).

Ondie has opened a fitness club for children aged 10 - 16 yrs. T.N.T. It will develop all aspects of fitness to improve general health, well-being,self-esteem and confidence and greatly improve any chosen sport/training.

Ondie advocates good teaching practice, with emphasis on correct technique, posture and alignment whilst reinforcing self-esteem and confidence. Training all shapes, sizes, ages and sexes, her classes are inclusive not exclusive – they are for everyone!

Ondie knows every clients name, their injury or condition – if they have one. The class environments are friendly, comfortable, and personal. Everybody is equal and made to feel important.

The ladies Ondie teaches appreciate the fact that she has her own child and understands their needs with the stresses and strains on their bodies, minds and time!

Ondie's classes are for the whole family and being qualified in so many disciplines brings variety and constant challenges to her clients.

The venues used are large giving maximum movement benefits. There is great social interaction, uplifting music and motivation.

OWTF is the whole fitness package:

OWTF – no comfy sofas, coffee bars, ra-ra skirts and pom-poms!